Ph.D. - Economics
University of Texas at Austin - 1999

Professional Preparation
M.S. - Economics
University of Texas at Austin - 1996
University of Texas at Austin - 1996
B.S. - International Business
University of Texas at Austin - 1993
University of Texas at Austin - 1993
Research Areas
Research Interests
E-commerce, Market design, auctions, Network externalities, experimental economics
Haruvy, E., C. N. Noussair, and O. Powell, The impact of asset repurchases and issues in an experimental market, forthcoming Review of Finance. forthcoming - Publication
E. Haruvy & D. Stahl, Learning Transference between Dissimilar Symmetric Normal-Form Games, forthcoming in Games and Economic Behavior forthcoming - Publication
Wang, Y., C. Zamudio, and E. Haruvy (forthcoming), Human Brands and Mutual Choices: An Investigation of The Marketing Assistant Professor Job Market, forthcoming Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. forthcoming - Publication
Wang, Y., C. Zamudio, and E. Haruvy (forthcoming), Human Brands and Mutual Choices: An Investigation of The Marketing Assistant Professor Job Market, forthcoming Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. forthcoming - Publication
Haruvy, E. and S. Jap, Bidding on quality in buyer-determined online reverse auctions, forthcoming J. of Marketing Research. forthcoming - Publication
Haruvy, E. and E. Katok (2013), Increasing Revenue by Decreasing Information in Procurement Auctions, Production and Operations Management 22(1), 19-35. 2013 - Publication
Haruvy, E., D. Miao, and K. E. Stecke (2013), Various Strategies to Handle Cannibalization in a Competitive Duopolistic Market, International Transactions in Operational Research 20(2), 155-188. 2013 - Publication
Wang, Y. and E. Haruvy (2013) Tiers in One-sided Matching Markets: Theory and Experimental Investigation, with Yu Wang, Forthcoming Management Science 2013 - Publication
Visiting Scholar
Tilburg University [2009–2009]
Tilburg University [2009–2009]
Associate Professor
The University of Texas at Dallas [2008–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2008–Present]
Assistant Professor
The University of Texas at Dallas [2001–2008]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2001–2008]
Research Fellow
Harvard Business School [2000–2001]
Harvard Business School [2000–2001]
University of Texas at Austin [2000–2000]
University of Texas at Austin [2000–2000]
Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology [1999–2000]
Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology [1999–2000]
University of Texas at Austin [1999–1999]
University of Texas at Austin [1999–1999]
University of Texas at Austin [1998–1999]
University of Texas at Austin [1998–1999]
Segmentation and Competition: An Application to Rebates
2006–2006 2006 SICS, Summer Institute in Competitive Strategy, University of California, Berkeley, June 26-June 30Hierarchical Thinking and Learning in Rank Order Contest Games.
2006–2006 2006 Coordination Success Conference in Honor of Raymond C. Battalio, Texas A&M, March 31-April 2, 2006.Two-Stage Prize Promotions and the Value of Unresolved Uncertainty
2006–2006 2006 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, University of Pittsburgh, June 8-June 10Organized "Learning" session and presented "Learning in Two-Stage Lotteries."
2005–2005 2005 SEA Meetings, Washington, D.C., Nov 18-20, 2005Risk aversion, under-diversification and the role of recency and probability matching.
2006–2006 2006 Economic Science Association North American Meetings, Tucson, Arizona, September 28-October 1.Additional Information
Articles appearing as chapters in edited volumes
- Haruvy, E., A. Prasad, S. Sethi, and R. Zhang (2005). Optimal Firm Contributions to Open Source Software: Effects of Competition, Compatibility and User Contributions. In Optimal Control and Dynamic Games: Applications in Finance, Management Science, and Economics, Editors: Christophe Deissenberg and Richard Hartl, Springer, New York, 197-214, (2005).
- Haruvy, E. and I. Erev (2002). On the Application and Interpretation of Learning Models, Experimental Business Research, Editors: Rami Zwick and Amnon Rapoport, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 285-300
- Erev, I., Haruvy, E. (2010). Learning and the economics of small decisions. In Kagel, J.H. and Roth, A.E. (Eds.), The Handbook of Experimental Economics. Princeton University Press.
Grants, Fellowships and Awards
- * Management Science Distinguished Service Award for 2010
- * MSI research award #4-1644 (2010)."Seller Strategy in B2B Multichannels: Auctions, Buy-Now Pricing, and Price Discovery." $3000
- * Management Science Distinguished Service Award for 2009
- * The 1st Technion Open Choice Prediction Competition. First Place in Predicting Decisions from Description, 2009.
- * The Fostering of Charitable Giving in Canadian Society, Community University Research Alliances program (Letter of Intent), 2008 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant, $20,000
- * Senior personnel on NSF #SES-0519168, Rule Learning Across Dissimilar Normal-Form Games, PI: Dale Stahl, 08/01/05 - 07/31/07, $24,675
- * United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation, #2002114, July 2003-July 2005, with Ido Erev and Alvin Roth; $20,000.
- * National Science Foundation-- Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences, proposal #157, May 2003, with Sujoy Chakravarty. The TESS project facilitates data collection via the Internet and pays for the associated costs of data collection.
- * M. R. Saulson Research Fund #191-408, March 2000 – September 2002; $2,000.
- * Senior personnel on NSF #SES-9986379, with Dale Stahl; February 2000-January 2001; $45,000.
- * Research grant: B.T.S Academic Lectureship in Industrial Engineering and Management, #7700213, January, 2000; $800.
- * Professional Development Award, April 1998.
- * David Bruton, Jr. Fellowship, 1997-1998 academic year.
- * Peter L. Reid Memorial Scholarship for academic achievement, 1992-1993 academic year.
- * Spain-Leff Memorial Scholarship for academic excellence, 1992-1993 academic year.
Referee work
- Editorial Boards: Marketing Science, Review of Marketing Science, Editor of Symposium issue on Virtual Worlds in Southern Economic Journal
- Economics: American Economic Review, Econometrica, J. of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, Games and Economic Behavior, International J. of Game Theory, J. of Public Economics, The Economic Journal, J. of Economic Behavior and Organizations, Economics of Governance, Economic Theory, Experimental Economics, Southern Economic Journal, Computational Economics, Economic Inquiry, J. of Economic Dynamics and Control, Economics Bulletin, Economic Theory
- Marketing: Management Science (Marketing track), J. of Marketing, J. of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Rev. of Marketing Sci., J. of Business Research, J. of Interactive Marketing
- Finance: Journal of Finance
- OM, OR, and IS: Management Science (Information Systems track), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Interfaces, Production and Operations Management, Information Technology and Management, Automatica
- Decision analysis and OB: Management Science (Decision Analysis, Organizational Behavior tracks)
- Psychology: J. of Mathematical Psychology, J. of Managerial Psychology
- Government: National Science Foundation, United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong
News Articles
Marketing Class Competition Pairs Students with Golin's Pros

Her comment came after a team of five students won a Golin-sponsored marketing class competition to analyze Twitter data in a search for “accelerants of relevance.” The term encompasses all the traits that lie behind a piece of news spreading widely, quickly — “going viral” — on social media.
Marketing Class Competition Pairs Students with Golin's Pros
Communications company Golin’s first interaction with the Naveen Jindal School of Management proved so positive that the “we’re going to need to hold on to a lot of résumés,” Brittany McKone, director of analytics in Golin’s Dallas office, said recently.Her comment came after a team of five students won a Golin-sponsored marketing class competition to analyze Twitter data in a search for “accelerants of relevance.” The term encompasses all the traits that lie behind a piece of news spreading widely, quickly — “going viral” — on social media.