Professional Preparation
University of California at Santa Barbara - 1985
Chinese Academy of Sciences - 1982
University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
Xi'an Jiaotong University [2005–Present]
National Science Foundation [2002–2005]
Additional Information
Honors and Awards
2007: Received the Best Paper Award from International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA'07), Chicago, Illinois, USA, 8/1-3, 2007.
2003: Received the Best Paper Award from the 22nd IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communication Conference at Phoenix, Arizona, USA, April 9-11.
1998: Received CSTS Prize from INFORMS (a merge of American Operations Research Society and Institute of Management Science) for research excellence in the interface between Operations Research and Computer Science.
1996: Received the 2nd Class National Natural Science Prize in China.
1996: Fellow of the Center for Management of Operations and Logistics, University of Texas at Austin.
1993: Received the 1st Class Natural Science Prize from Chinese Academy of Sciences.
1992: Received the National Young Scientist Prize from China.
1992: The proof of Gilbet-Pollak conjecture was selected by 1992 Year Book Encyclopaedia, Briticanna, as the first one among six outstanding achievements in mathematics in 1991.
1992: Received $500 personal award from Professor Ronald L. Graham, the President of American Mathematics Society, for proving the Steiner ratio conjecture of Gilbert and Pollak.
Associated Journals
Computer Science
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Journal of Information Science and Engineering
- Journal of Computer Science and Technology
- International Journal of Security and Networks
- International Journal of Sensor Networks
- International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications
- Journal of Computers
Operations Research
- Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
- Journal of Global Optimization
- Pacific Journal of Optimization
- Optimization Letters
- Asian Journal of Mathematics
- Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications
- Combinatorics and Graphs
- Internet Mathematics
- Science in China (Mathematics)