Ph.D. - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Columbia University - 1978

Professional Preparation
M.S. - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Columbia University - 1974
Columbia University - 1974
Diploma Engineer - Electrical Engineering
Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest - 1969
Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest - 1969
Research Areas
Current Research
- Direct the InterVoice Research Center in the Human Language Technology Research Institute at UTD.
- Co-direct the development of a state-of-the-art Question Answering system that achieved the best performance at TREC-8 (1999), TREC-9 (2000), TREC-11 (2002), TREC-12 (2003) and TREC-13 (2004) QA competitions
- Develop a Knowledge Acquisition from Text (KAT) system that discovers concepts and relations for the purpose of extending WordNet interactively with domain-specific knowledge.
- Develop Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) methods for open text.
- Develop a new technology for Semantic Indexing and Retrieval of texts that uses word semantics for the purpose of increasing the conciseness and the relevance of the information retrieved.
- Develop a tool for transforming WordNet into a knowledge base by disambiguating the glosses and transforming them in logical and semantic forms.
- Develop a Distributed Question Answering system using a Distributed Java Virtual Machine environment. Study the scalability of some Applied Natural Language Processing algorithms on parallel and distributed computers.
Previous Research
- Worked on Parallel Processing applied to Natural Language Processing including inferences, acquisition of linguistic patterns, and parsers.
- Studied marker-propagation as a new computational paradigm for Artificial Intelligence problems.
- Parallel processing of Rule Based Systems.
- Design of systolic arrays and other array processors.
- Mapping computational algorithms into parallel architectures.
- Microprocessor-based real-time systems.
D. Moldovan, C. Clark, S. Harabagiu and D. Hodges, COGEX: A Semantically and Contextually Enriched Logic Prover for Question Answering, Journal of Applied Logic, Vol. 5(1), March 2007, 49-69 2007 - Publication
Marta Tatu, Brandon Iles, Dan Moldovan, Automatic Answer Validation Using COGEX Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval In book series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ed. C. Peters et al Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Publisher Vol. 4730 (2007) 494-501 2007 - Publication
Mitchell Bowden, Marian Olteanu, Pasin Suriyentrakorn, Thomas d'Silva, Dan Moldovan, Multilingual Question Answering through Intermediate Translation: LCC's PowerAnswer at QA@CLEF 2007 Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval In book series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ed. C. Peters et al Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Publisher Vol. 4730 (2007) 310-317 2007 - Publication
Some Advanced Features of LCCs PowerAnswer in Advances in Open Domain Question Answering, Springer, 2006, 3-34. 2006 - Publication
R. Girju, A. Badulescu, and D. Moldovan, Automatic Discovery for Part-Whole Relations, Computational Linguistics, Vol. 32(1) March 2006, 83-135 2006 - Publication
D. Moldovan and R. Girju, Learning the Semantics of Noun Compounds, Computing Meaning, Vol. 4, Kluwer, Harry Bunt, editor, 2006 2006 - Publication
R. Girju, D. Moldovan, M. Tatu, D. Antohe On the Semantics of Noun Compounds, Journal of Computer Speech and Language-Special Issue on Multiword Expressions, Aline Villavicencio, Francis Bond, Diana McCarthy, editors, vol 19, no. 4, October 2005, 479-496. 2005 - Publication
O. Fortu and D. Moldovan, Identification of Textual Contexts, CONTEXT, LNAI 3554, ed by A. Dey et al. Berlin Heidelberg Springer-Verlag, pp. 169-182, 2005 2005 - Publication
The University of Texas at Dallas [2001–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2001–Present]
Southern Methodist University [1994–1998]
Southern Methodist University [1994–1998]
Southern Methodist University [1993–2001]
Southern Methodist University [1993–2001]
Southern Methodist University [1993–2001]
Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems Laboratory
Southern Methodist University [1993–2001]
Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems Laboratory
University of Southern California [1986–1994]
Parallel Knowledge Processing Laboratory
University of Southern California [1986–1994]
Parallel Knowledge Processing Laboratory
Associate Professor
University of Southern California [1985–1993]
University of Southern California [1985–1993]
Assistant Professor
University of Southern California [1981–1986]
University of Southern California [1981–1986]
Assistant Professor
Colorado State University [1979–1981]
Colorado State University [1979–1981]
Additional Information
Major Projects
- Extended WordNet
- Computational Lexical Semantics
- Ontologies and Semantic Technologies
- Knowledge Acquisition from Text
- Distributed Natural Language Processing