Ph.D. - Computer Science
University of Texas at Austin - 1996

Professional Preparation
M.A. - Computer Science
University of Texas at Austin - 1989
University of Texas at Austin - 1989
B.S. - Computer Science
University of Texas at El Paso - 1987
University of Texas at El Paso - 1987
Research Areas
Research Interests
- Design and Implementation of Network Protocols
- Quality of Service in High-speed Computer Networks
- Mobile Computing
- Concurrent and Distributed Computing
Teaching Interests
Undergraduate:- Computer Networks
- Database Systems
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Networks
- Distributed Systems
Yi Xian, Chin-Tser Huang, and Jorge Cobb, “Look-Ahead Routing and Message Scheduling
in Delay-Tolerant Networks”, Computer Communications, Elsevier, Vol. 34, No. 18,
December 2011, pp. 2184–2194. 2011 - Publication
Jorge A. Cobb, Mohamed G. Gouda, “Stabilization of Max-Min Fair Networks without Perflow
State”, Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol. 412, Issue 40, September 2011,
Pages 5562–5579. 2011 - Publication
Ravi Musunuri, Jorge Cobb, ``Distributed Out-bound Load Balancing in Inter-AS Routing by Random Matchings'', Telecommunication Systems, Springer, Vol 34, No. 1-2, February 2007. 2007 - Publication
Fair-Aggregation Across Multiple Core Networks. Jorge A. Cobb and Zhe Xu. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (IC3N). Hawaii, (August 2007), pp. 435-442. 2007 - Publication
Stabilization of Loop-Free Redundant RoutingJorge A. CobbSymposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed SystemsParis, France, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science # 4838, (November 2007) pp. 154--172. 2007 - Publication
Intra-Flow Fairness in Work-Conserving Flow Aggregation,Jorge A. Cobb, Zhe Xu,IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS)Cambridge, Massachusetts, (November 2007), pp. 932-938. 2007 - Publication
Ravi Musunuri, Jorge Cobb, ``An Overview of Solutions to Avoid Persistent BGP Divergence'', IEEE Network, Vol. 19, Issue 6, Nov.-Dec. 2005, pp. 28 - 34. 2005 - Publication
Jorge Cobb, Mohamed Gouda, Deepinder Sidhu, ``Hello Again: Convergence of the Hello Protocol in OSPF'', Journal of High-Speed Networks, IOS Press, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2005, pp. 39-58. 2005 - Publication
Associate Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas [2005–Present]
Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [1998–2005]
University of Texas at Dallas [1998–2005]
Assistant Professor
University of Houston [1995–1998]
University of Houston [1995–1998]
Assistant Professor
University of Houston [1995–1998]
University of Houston [1995–1998]
Technical Staff
AT&T Bell Laboratories [1993–1994]
AT&T Bell Laboratories [1993–1994]
Teaching Assistant
University of Texas at Austin [1991–1992]
University of Texas at Austin [1991–1992]
Technical Staff
AT&T Bell Laboratories [1989–1990]
AT&T Bell Laboratories [1989–1990]
Hello Again: Convergence of the Hello Protocol in OSPF
2018–2002 Luminy Seminar on Self-Stabilization, Marseille, France, October, 2002.Additional Information
Honors and Awards
- Member of the editorial board of the Journal of High-Speed Networks.
Academic Awards and Honors
Academic Awards and Honors AT&T Scholarships- AT&T Ph.D. Scholarship (1992-1996).
- AT&T Denver Laboratories Scholarship (1986-1987).
- Microelectronics and Computer Development Fellowship (1990-1992).
- Graduated with Highest Honors – Summa Cum Laude.
- Student Marshal of the College of Engineering for the graduation ceremonies.
- Frank N. Farah Presidential Scholarship (1986-1987).
- Lucille L. Stevens Scholarship (1984-1985).
- National Dean’s List.