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Chadwin Young

Chadwin Young

Associate Professor - Materials Science & Engineering
Director of Advanced Electrical Characterization Laboratory (AECL)
Research Group Website

Professional Preparation

Ph.D. - Electrical Engineering
North Carolina State Univ. - 2004
M.S. - Electrical Engineering
North Carolina State Univ. - 1998
B.S. - Electrical Engineering
Univ. of Texas - Austin - 1996

Research Areas

Electrical Characterization and Reliability

Novel Characterization Development

  • Involved the measurement and evaluation of transistors and capacitors of experimental gate stacks and device structures (alternative gate electrodes, ultra-thin oxides, oxynitrides, and high-dielectric constant insulators, non-planar devices, and high mobility substrates)
  • Engaged in the electrical characterization and reliability of projected material and device architectures below the 22 nm node as defined by the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) as well as other future device architectures, which can call for high-k dielectrics and high mobility and/or flexible substrate material systems

Research Interests

  • Electrical Characterization Methodologies
  • Reliability Characterization Methodologies
  • Solid State Device Physics
  • Electrical properties of materials
  • MOS modeling (quantum effects, etc.)
  • Nanotechnology
  • Flexible Electronics 
  • Future Energy Needs (Renewable, low power operation, etc.)


Measurement Issues for High-k Technology including NBTI - Conference Paper
High Mobility SiGe Channel NonPlanar Devices - Conference Paper
High Performing pMOSFETs on Si(110) for Application to Hybrid Orientation Technologies -- Comparison of HfO2 and HfSiON - Conference Paper
Impact of Nitrogen on PBTI Characteristics of HfSiON/TiN Gate Stacks - Conference Paper
Improved high-k/metal gate lifetime via improved SILC understanding and mitigation - Conference Paper
Introduction to the Special Issue on 2008 International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW) - Journal Article
Transient Charging and Relaxation in High-k Gate Dielectrics and Their Implications - Journal Article
Ultra-Short Pulse Current–Voltage Characterization of the Intrinsic Characteristics of High-κ Devices - Journal Article


Associate Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [2018–Present]
Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Dallas [2012–2018]
Senior Member of Technical Staff
SEMATECH [2010–2012]
Member of Technical Staff
SEMATECH [2008–2010]
Project Engineer
SEMATECH [2006–2008]
Post Doc
SEMATECH [2004–2006]
PhD Intern
SEMATECH [2001–2004]
IBM, Motorola, Four Dimensions, Los Alamos Nat. Lab., etc. [1990–2000]

News Articles

Jonsson School Engineer Gets CAREER Grant for Electronics Work
Jonsson School Engineer Gets CAREER Grant for Electronics Work A University of Texas at Dallas engineer is investigating new semiconductor materials for possible use in large area, flexible electronics. 

Dr. Chadwin Young, an assistant professor of materials science and engineering in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, recently received a five-year, $500,000 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award from the National Science Foundation to pursue this work. 

“On one hand, engineers are looking for new materials for transistors that will make electronic devices smaller and faster, and use less power,” Young said. “That’s what semiconductor companies who manufacture computer chips are driven by. But there are also other markets that need transistors to be printed on big sheets of plastic or other flexible substrates at a much reduced cost.”


Professional Memberships
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • American Vacuum Society (AVS)
  • Electrochemical Society (ECS)
Professional Service
  • IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference – Executive Committee (2011-2013)
  • IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium – Technical Program Committee (2008-2013)
  • IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting – Technical Program Committee (2011-2012)
  • IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference – Technical Program Committee (2008-11)
  • IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop – Executive Committee (2005-2010)
  • IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop – Technical Program Committee (2005-2012)
  • Workshop on Dielectrics in Microelectronics – Steering Committee Member (2010-present)
Reviewer Activities
  • IEEE Electron Device Letters
  • IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
  • IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability
  • Applied Physics Letters
  • Microelectronic Engineering
  • Microelectronic Reliability
  • Solid-State Electronics
  • Guest Editor for IEEE Trans. Device and Materials ReliabilityIIRW Special Issues 2006-07 and 2008-09

List of External Collaborators During Past Four Years:

S. Datta (Penn State), J. DelAlamo (MIT), P. Majhi (Intel), P. Lenahan (Penn State), D.S. Ang (NTU), B.K. Knowlton (Boise State), R.Jammy (SEMATECH),  P.Kirsch (SEMATECH), G. Bersuker (SEMATECH), Jason Ryan (NIST), Jason Campbell (NIST), L. Larcher (U. Modena), A. Padova (U. Modena), R. Choi (Inha Univ., Korea), B.H. Lee (GIST, Korea), S. Thompson (U. Florida – Gainesville), A. Neugroschel (U. Florida – Gainesville)

Ph.D. Thesis Supervisor:

Prof. Veena Misra, North Carolina State University

Postdoctoral Supervisor:

Gennadi Bersuker, SEMATECH

List of Students Supervised:

Provided significant guidance and training to many students interns (2-yr Associate Degree up to Ph.D.) on experimental, theory, and lab practices of electrical characterization and reliability on novel materials and device structures while at SEMATECH.  

Selected Fellowships, Honors, and Awards
  • (2007) Senior Member of the IEEE
  • (2004) Corporate Excellence Award – SEMATECH’s highest technical honor for pulse-based electrical characterization techniques for the evaluation of high-k gate dielectrics
  • (1998-2000) Engineering Research Center Fellowship – Center for Advanced Electronic Materials Processes, NC State University
  • (1996-98) Graduate Engineering Education Fellowship – National Science Foundation
  • (1996) National Member of the Year – One national award from the National Society of Black Engineers is chosen annually from the entire student membership