Ph.D. - Geology
University of Arizona - 1987

Professional Preparation
M.S. - Geology
University of Oregon - 1983
University of Oregon - 1983
B.S. - Geology
California Institute of Technology - 1979
California Institute of Technology - 1979
Research Areas
Research Interests
Research areas include the following:
Geology- climate change and its impact on water resources and health
- quantitative models of hydrothermal/geothermal systems with emphasis on supercrtical fluid conditions and isotopic alteration-based model calibration
- practical evaluation of potential contaminant transport and natural attenuation for the purpose of Wellhead Protection geophysical approaches toward remote sensing of soil moisture variations, with particular regard to civil engineering problems
- application of water-rock chemical interaction to quantify ground-and surface-water flow system behavior quantitative evaluation and prediction of natural attenuation (degradation) of contaminants and viruses, including effects of microbial and rock-reaction processes
- scientific visualization of three-dimensional (3-D), transient datasets (i.e. computer model results), emphasizing computer animation and 3-D graphical techniques (e.g. 3D hydrogeologic models)
- improved methods for finite element analysis in fluid dynamics and chemical transport problems
Brikowski, T. H., 2008. “Doomed Reservoirs in Kansas, USA? Climate Change and Groundwater Mining on the Great Plains Lead to Unsustainable Surface Water Storage”, J. Hydrol., 354(1-4):90-101, DOI 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.02.020 2008 - Publication
Shei, T-C and T. H. Brikowski, submitted 2006. Application of Surface Electrical Resistivity Surveys to Evaluate Sustainable Groundwater Extraction, Hays, Kansas, J. Hydrol., 18 pp. 2006 - Publication
Brikowski, T. H., Faid, A. M., 2006. Pathline-Calibrated Groundwater Flow Models of Nile Valley Aquifers, Esna, Upper Egypt. J. Hydrology, 324(1-4): 195-209 2006 - Publication
Brikowski, T. H., Smith, L. S., Shei, T.-C., Shreshtha, S. D., Neku, A., 2006. Electrical resistivity as a predictor of groundwater arsenic concentration in South Asia. Hydrogeology Journal, p. 14, (in review). 2006 - Publication
Brikowski, T. H., Smith, L. S., Shei, T.C., Shreshtha, S. D., 2005. Electrical resistivity as a predictor of groundwater arsenic concentration in South Asia. J. Nepal Geol. Soc., p. 8. 2005 - Publication
Brikowski, T. H., Faid, A. M., 2003. Pathline-Calibrated Groundwater Flow Models of Nile Valley Aquifers, Esna, Upper Egypt in Proceedings of the Joint US-Egypt Science and Technology Workshop on Remote Sensing and Hydrology, Cairo, Egypt; 18 p. 2003 - Publication
Brikowski, T. H., Shei, T. C., 2002. Smoky Hill River Wellfield Aquifer Geometry, as Determined by Surface Resistivity Surveys. project report, Geosciences Dept., U. Texas-Dallas, Richardson, TX. 2002 - Publication
Brikowski, T. H., Shei, T. C., 2002. Final Report: Sustainable Yield from the Smoky Hill River Wellfield, Schoenchen, KS. project report, Geosciences Dept., U. Texas-Dallas, Richardson, TX. 2002 - Publication
20-Year Service Award - The University of Texas at Dallas [2017]
Associate Professor
The University of Texas at Dallas [1996–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [1996–Present]
Assistant Research Professor
Desert Research Institute, Reno Nevada [1995–1996]
Desert Research Institute, Reno Nevada [1995–1996]
Associate Graduate Faculty
University of Nevada, Reno [1991–1996]
University of Nevada, Reno [1991–1996]
Associate Graduate Faculty
University of Nevada, Las Vegas [1987–1991]
University of Nevada, Las Vegas [1987–1991]
Assistant Research Professor
Desert Research Institute, Reno and Las Vegas, Nevada [1987–1993]
Desert Research Institute, Reno and Las Vegas, Nevada [1987–1993]
Electrical Resistivity Profiling to Delineate Low Groundwater Arsenic Target Zones in the Terai, Nawalparasi, Nepal
2005–2005 Brikowski, T.H., L. S. S. Smith, T.C. Shei and S. Shrestha, Oct. 2005. Geol. Soc. Amer. Abstracts w. Progr., Fall 2005 Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UTThree-Dimensional Visualization of Transport and Capture Zones in an Alluvial Aquifer, Hays, Kansas
1998–1998 Brikowski, T. H., 1998. Three-Dimensional Visualization of Transport and Capture Zones in an Alluvial Aquifer, Hays, Kansas, Source Water Protection '98, April 1998, Dallas, TX.Additional Information
Thesis/Dissertations Chaired
- Welch, M., M.S. in progress. Geochemical influence of a perched wetland, Heard Museum, Collin County, TX. Geosciences Dept., U. Texas-Dallas
- Neku, A., Ph.D. in progress. Hydrogeology of shallow tubewell arsenic occurrence, Nepal. Geosciences Dept., U. Texas-Dallas
- Kshattry, I., Ph.D., 2007. Modeling arsenic in the wells of Nepal. Geosciences Dept., U. Texas-Dallas
- Shei, T.-C., Ph.D., 2007. Application of allostratigraphic and facies architecture concepts in hydrologic transport modeling, Hays, KS. Geosciences Dept., U. Texas-Dallas
- Ramirez, E., M.S., 2002. Georeferenced Laser-Rangeiinding Observations of Streambank Migration, Trinity River watershed, Texas. Geosciences Dept., U. Texas-Dallas
- Corbeanu, H., M.S., 2001. Landslide Monitoring, Simulation And Modeling Case Study:
- Eastern Carpathian Mountains, Romania. Geosciences Dept., U. Texas-Dallas Gardner, G, M.S., 1993. Origin of elevated water levels in emplacement boreholes, Pahute Mesa, Nevada Test Site: A numerical model. Geology Dept., University of Nevada-Reno.
- S.J. Haws, M.S., 1990. A cross-sectional model of permeability distribution and vertical flow at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Geosciences Dept., University of Nevada Las Vegas, 105 pp.