Ph.D. - Business Administration
University of Rochester - 1972
Professional Preparation
University of Rochester - 1966
University of Rochester - 1966
Canisius College - 1964
Canisius College - 1964
Product form bundling: Implications for marketing of digital products. With N. Koukova and P.K. Kannan. Journal of Retailing. 84:2. (2008): 181-194. 2008 - Publication
New product development under channel acceptance. With L. Luo and P.K. Kannan. Marketing Science. 26:2. (2007): 149-163. 2007 - Publication
The impact of the internet on consumers' use of information sources for automobiles: A reinquiry. With D. Talukdar and M.S. Lee. Journal of Consumer Research. 34:June. (2007): 111-119. 2007 - Publication
Incorporating subjective characteristics in product design and evaluations. With L. Luo and P. K. Kannan. Journal of Marketing Research. 45:2. (2007): 182-194. 2007 - Publication
Optimal response to a next generation new product introduction: To imitate or to leapfrog? With D. Sudharshan and B. Liu. Managerial and Decision Economics. 27:1. (2006): 41-62. 2006 - Publication
Chan4Cast: A multi-channel multi-region sales forecasting model and decision support system for consumer packaged goods at Pepsico. With S. Divakar and V. Shankar. Marketing Science. 24:3. (2005): 334-350. 2005 - Publication
Consumer Use of the Internet in Search for Automobiles: Literature Review, a Conceptual Framework, and an Empirical Investigation. With M. Lee, and D. Talukdar, Review of Marketing Research. 2. 2005. 2005 - Publication
A Model of Retail Format Competition for Non-durable Goods. With A. Bhatnagar. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 21:1. (2004): 39-59. 2004 - Publication
News Articles
Prof's Model Revolutionizes Product Design Process

Study Emphasizes Retail Role in Product Development

Marketing Study Examines What Types of Searches Click for Car Buyers

A new study from The University of Texas at Dallas examines how consumers allocated their time when searching offline and on the internet as they shopped for a new automobile, and what the outcomes were for price satisfaction.
Dr. Ashutosh Prasad and Dr. Brian Ratchford, marketing professors in the Naveen Jindal School of Management, recently published the study online in the Journal of Interactive Marketing. It will appear in the journal’s November issue.
Marketing Study Examines What Types of Searches Click for Car Buyers

A new study from The University of Texas at Dallas examines how consumers allocated their time when searching offline and on the internet as they shopped for a new automobile, and what the outcomes were for price satisfaction.
Dr. Ashutosh Prasad and Dr. Brian Ratchford, marketing professors in the Naveen Jindal School of Management, recently published the study online in the Journal of Interactive Marketing. It will appear in the journal’s November issue.