Professional Preparation
Doctor of Philosophy - Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai - 1995
Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai - 1995
Master of Science - Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai - 1990
Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai - 1990
Bachelor of Engineering - Electronics and Communication
Madurai-Kamaraj University - 1986
Madurai-Kamaraj University - 1986
Research Areas
Research Interests
Dr B. Prabhakaran works in the area of multimedia systems. Currently, he is focusing on research topics such as:
(i) video and health-care data analytics;
(ii) streaming of 3D video, animations, and deformable 3D models;
(iii) content protection and authentication of multimedia objects;
(iv) Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees for streaming multimedia data in wireless adhoc and mesh networks;
(v) collaborative virtual environments.
In the past, he has worked on multimedia databases, authoring & presentation, resource management, and scalable web-based multimedia presentation servers.
Hui Li, Ming Li, and B. Prabhakaran, " On Supporting High-Quality 3D Geometry Multicasting over IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS , VOL. 58, NO. 5, pp1-14 , MAY 2009 2009 - Publication
Ming Li and B. Prabhakaran, " On Supporting Reliable QoS in Multi-hop Multi-rate Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," ACM/Springer/URSI Wireless Networks(WINET) , March 2009 pdf 2009 - Publication
Gaurav N. Pradhan and Balakrishnan Prabhakaran, " Indexing 3D Human Motion Repositories For Content-based Retrieval," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE , VOL. 13, NO. 5, , SEPTEMBER 2009 pdf 2009 - Publication
Ming Li, Hua Zhu, Yang Xiao, Imrich Chlamtac, and B. Prabhakaran, " Adaptive Frame Concatenation Mechanism for QoS in Multi-rate Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2008 , Phenix , Arizona , April 2008 2008 - Publication
Parag Agarwal and B. Prabhakaran, " Reliable Transmission of Audio Streams in Lossy Channels Using Application Level Data Hiding," JOURNAL OF MULTIMEDIA , VOL. 3, NO. 5, pp1-8 , DECEMBER 2008 2008 - Publication
Ming Li, Yang Xiao, Hua Zhu, Imrich Chlamtac, and B. Prabhakaran, " QOAR: Adaptive QoS Scheme in Multi-rate Wireless LANs," in Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2008 , Bei-jing , China , May 19-23 2008 2008 - Publication
Yohan Jin and B. Prabhakaran, " Semantic Quantization of 3D Human Motion Capture Data Through Spatial-Temporal Feature Extraction," in Proceedings of 14th International Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM'08) , Kyoto , Japan , Jan. 9-11 2008 , pp. 318-328 2008 - Publication
Gaurav Pradhan, Navzer Engineer, Mihai Nadin, and B. Prabhakaran, " Analyzing motoric and physiological data in describing upper extremity movement in the aged," in Proceedings of International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA 2008) , Athens , Greece , July 16-19 2008 2008 - Publication
The University of Texss at Dallas [2010–Present]
The University of Texss at Dallas [2010–Present]
Associate Professor
The University of Texas at Dallas [2004–2010]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2004–2010]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2002–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2002–Present]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2002–Present]
Institute for Interactive Arts and Engineering
The University of Texas at Dallas [2002–Present]
Institute for Interactive Arts and Engineering
Assistant Professor
The University of Texas at Dallas [2001–2004]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2001–2004]
NEC USA C&C Research Labs [2001–2001]
NEC USA C&C Research Labs [2001–2001]
Visiting Assistant Professor
The University of Texas at Dallas [2000–2000]
The University of Texas at Dallas [2000–2000]
Assistant Professor
National University of Singapore [1997–2001]
National University of Singapore [1997–2001]
Research Associate
University of Maryland [1995–1997]
University of Maryland [1995–1997]
Scientific Officer
Indian Institute of Technology [1989–1996]
Indian Institute of Technology [1989–1996]
Contextual and Social Aspects of Multimedia
2008–2008 Invited Speaker and Participant, Dagstuhl Seminar on Contextual and Social Aspects of Multimedia, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 2008.School of Engineering and Computer Science Scholars Day
2007–2007 Speaker, School of Engineering and Computer Science Scholars Day, University of Texas at Dallas, March 17, 2007.AVID Program
2007–2007 Speaker, AVID Program, Franford Middle School, Plano ISD, March 30, 2007.Untitled
2018–2018 Invited Speaker, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Arlington.US Army Research Office (ARO) Proposals Review
2018–2018 Panel Member, US Army Research Office (ARO) Proposals Review.Additional Information
Professional Recognition and Honors
- Recipient, US National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, 2003. Funding: $400,000 from September 1, 2003 - August 31, 2008.
- 2007 School of Engineering Service Award for Computer Science Department, 2007: $20,000 grant.
Administrative Services
- Member, Faculty Search Committee, Computer Engineering Program, University of Texas at Dallas.
- Member, Faculty Search Committee, Computer Science Department, University of Texas at Dallas.
- Director, PhD Studies, University of Texas at Dallas, 2010-present.
- Vice-chair, Academic Calendar Committee, 2008-2010.
- Member, Faculty Committee for Computer Engineering Program.
- Internal Reviewer, School of Arts & Humanities Program Review, Spring 2008
- Member, School-wide Academic Affairs Committee, 2007-2008.
- Member, Faculty Senate, University of Texas at Dallas, 2006.
- Chair, Graduates Admissions Committee, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas, November 2004 - 2010.
- Member, Graduates Admissions Committee, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas, November 2001 - present.
- Member, Teaching Assistants Committeee, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas, December 2003 - present.
- Member, Under-graduate Program Committee, Telecom Engineering Program, University of Texas at Dallas.
- Member, Outreach Committee, Computer Engineering Program, University of Texas at Dallas.
- Member, Supervisory Committee of several PhD students.
Classroom Teaching
- 2013 Spring, Video Analytics
- 2013 Sprring, Tele-medicine and Health-care Data Analytics
- 2012 Fall, Multimedia Systems
- Sabattical in Spring 2012
- Sabattical in 2011 Fall
- 2011 Spring, Multimedia Systems
- 2010 Fall, Advanced Operating Systems
- 2010 Spring, Multimedia Systems
- 2010 Spring, Computer Animation
- 2009 Fall, Advanced Operating Systems
- 2009 Spring, Multimedia Systems
- 2009 Spring, Computer Animation
- 2008 Fall, Advanced Operating Systems
- 2008 Spring, Multimedia Systems
- 2008 Spring, Game Programming
- 2007 Fall, Advanced Operating Systems
- 2007 Spring Computer Animation
- 2007 Spring Advanced Operating Systems
- 2006 Fall, Multimedia Database Management Systems
- 2006 Spring, Advanced Operating Systems
- 2006 Spring, Discrete Mathematics II
- 2005 Fall, Recent Advances in Multimedia Database Management Systems
- 2005 Spring, Advanced Operating Systems
- 2005 Spring, Discrete Mathematics II
- 2004 Fall, Advanced Operating Systems
- 2004 Spring, Advanced Operating Systems
- 2003, Spring, Advanced Operating Systems
- 2002, Fall, Advanced Operating Systems 22
- 2002, Spring, Advanced Operating Systems
- 2001, Fall, Advanced Operating Systems
- 2001, Spring, Programming in Java
Teaching at Other Universities
- 1998, Fall - 2000 Spring: Computer Networks, National University of Singapore.
- 1998, Spring, Hypermedia Information Systems, National University of Singapore.
- 1997, Spring, Telecommunication Protocol Design, University of Maryland, College Park, USA.
- 1994, Spring - Fall, Computer Networks, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai (formerly, Madras), India.
- 1993, Fall, Programming & Data Structures, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India.
News Articles
Computing Professor Named Distinguished Scientist

Computer Scientist Tapped for Multimedia Expertise
The Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Multimedia has named UT Dallas computer scientist Balakrishnan Prabhakaran to its executive council and appointed him editor-in-chief of the organization’s online magazine. An associate professor of computer science at the University’s Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, Dr. Prabhakaran hopes he’ll be able to make a greater impact than ever on the development of multimedia research in these new roles. “This is a great honor and certainly shows Dr. Prabhakaran’s leadership in his field,” said D.T. Huynh, head of the Jonsson School’s Computer Science Dept.U. T. Dallas Professor Receives Army Funding To Develop Tools for 3-D Data Management
A researcher at The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) has won a grant from the United States Army to develop a tool that could detect and correct errors in 3-D animation models. Dr. Balakrishnan Prabhakaran, an associate professor of computer science in UTD’s Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, said the $240,000 grant would help him to create technology that could, among other things, be used to aid in sophisticated, troubleshooting training exercises for the armed forces. Prabhakaran explained that such a tool could be crucial to military and other surveillance operations.UTD Computer Science Professor Wins National Science Foundation Career Award