D. Eng. - Computer Science
University of Bristol, UK - 2011

Bhavani Thuraisingham
Louis A. Beecherl Jr. Distinguished Professor
Professor of Computer Science
Executive Director of the Cyber Security Research and Education Institute
Professional Preparation
Ph.D. - Mathematics (in the area of Theory of Computation and Computability Theory)
University of Wales, Swansea, UK - 1979
University of Wales, Swansea, UK - 1979
M.Sc - Mathematical Logic and Foundations of Computer Science;
University of Bristol, UK - 1977
University of Bristol, UK - 1977
B.S. - Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Physics
University of Ceylon - 1975
University of Ceylon - 1975
Research Areas
Research Interests
- Assured Information Sharing
- Secure Geospatial Data Management
- Surveillance/Biometrics
- Cyber Security
- Privacy
- Data Mining for Counter-terrorism
Effective Software Fault Localization using an RBF Neural Network, To appear in IEEE Transactions on Reliability , 2012 (co-authors: W. E. Wong, V. Debroy, R. Golden, X. Xu). 2012 - Publication
Preventing Private Information Inference Attacks on Social Networks, To appear in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2012 (co-authors: R. Heatherly, M. Kantarcioglu). 2012 - Publication
Bin-Carver: Automatic Recovery of Binary Executable Files, To appear in the Journal of Digital Investigation (Special issue of the digital forensics research workshop), 2012 (co-authors: Z. Lin et al). 2012 - Publication
Malware Detection in the Cloud, To appear in ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 2012 (co-author: M. Masud et al). 2012 - Publication
Secure Semantic Computing, To appear in the Semantic Computing Journal 2012 (co-author: K. Hamlen). 2012 - Publication
Security-aware Service Composition with Fine-grained Access and Information Flow Control, To appear in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2012 (co-authors: W. She et al). 2012 - Publication
Cyberphysical Systems Security Applied to Telesurgical Robotics, Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 34, No. 1, p. 225-229, January 2012 (co-author: Gregory S. Lee). 2012 - Publication
Data Security Services, Solutions and Standards for Outsourcing, To appear in Computer Standards and Interfaces Journal, 2012 (co-author: K. Hamlen). 2012 - Publication
System Integrity Control
2018–2018 Air Force Office of Scientific Research 2006-2009 (Co-PI)Response to BAA: Air Force Office of Scientific Research BAA 2006-Subcontract from Purdue UniversityPI: M. KantarciogluA Semantic Framework for Policy Specification and Enforcement
2018–2018 The National Science Foundation, 2007-2009 (PI)Response to Program Solicitation: 07-500Collaboration with UMBC and UTSAData and Applications Security Workshop
2018–2018 The National Science Foundation, 2007-2008 (PI)Geospatial data mining for crime analysis
2018–2018 National Geospatial Intelligence Agency 2007-2009 (PI)Response to Program Solicitation NURI-007Subcontract from U. of MNIdentity Assurance
2018–2018 Unisys Corporation Center for Ethical Information Assurance, 2007-2008 (PI)One of 5 universities chosenAdditional Information
Fellow of three professional organizations: IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers), AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) and BCS (British Computer Society) for her work in data security
Major External Awards
- Best paper award, IEEE Conference on Systems Sciences, 1988 on Secure Query Processing Strategies (Invited paper published in IEEE Computer, March 1989)
- Recipient of IEEE Computer Societys 1997 Technical Achievement Award for contributions to Secure distributed database management. As Cited by IEEE, this award is given to individuals who have made outstanding and innovative contributions in the field of computer and information science and engineering within the past 15 years.
- Recipient of Career Communication Inc.s National 2001 Woman of Color Technology Research Leadership Award
- Featured by Silicon Indias May 2002 issue as one of the top 7 technology innovators (only woman) in USA of South Asian origin (others are from Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, NASA, PARC and HP Labs). My innovation was for data and web security.
- Recipient of IEEEs 2003 Fellow Award for Contributions to Secure Systems involving databases, distributed systems and the web. As stated by IEEE, each year, following a rigorous evaluation procedure, the IEEE Fellow Committee recommends a select group of recipients for one of the Institute's most prestigious honors, election to IEEE Fellow.
- Recipient of AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) 2003 Fellow Award for Outstanding and Innovative Contributions to Secure Database Systems and Secure Web Information Systems.
- Recipient of British Computer Society (BCS) 2005 Fellow Award for contributions to information technology
Professional Training
- Cybil Programming through Control Data Institute 84,
- The Intelligence Community, AFCEA 94.
- Mid Management Development Program - 7 month course offered through the MITRE Institute; Apr. 97
- Certificate in Java Programming, at Learning Tree International ('Sept 98-' July 00; 5 courses; 15 credits)
- Program Director Training, National Science Foundation, March 2002
- Executive leadership certificate, UTD Management School, 2006-2008
- Certificate in Criminology, Planned at University of Texas at Dallas, 08-09 (15 credit hours)
- Professional development: Readings on Terrorism and understanding terrorists
News Articles
Prof Gives Keynote Speech on Data Mining and Privacy

Cybersecurity Institute Director Honored for Lasting Research Work
Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham, the Louis A. Beecherl Jr. Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at UT Dallas, is the inaugural recipient of the CODASPY Award for Outstanding Research on Data Security and Privacy.The award was presented at the Association of Computing Machinery’s Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (CODASPY).
The award recognizes Thuraisingham’s innovative and lasting research contributions, which have spanned over three decades at Honeywell, MITRE, the National Science Foundation (NSF) and UT Dallas. The award citation notes her work on multilevel secure databases (1980s), the inference problem (1990s), assured information sharing (2000s) and secure data management on the cloud (2010s).
Computer Scientist Receives Prestigious Degree From University of Bristol

The degree recognizes Thuraisingham's large body of influential published research in the field of secure data management over the past 25 years.
"Higher doctorates are a higher tier of research doctorates which may be awarded on the basis of a formally submitted substantial body of published original research of a very high standard or on an honorary basis...when a university wishes to formally recognize an individual's achievements and contributions to a particular field," according to university regulations.
Cybersecurity Expert Wins IBM Award as Course Collaboration Begins
Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham, executive director of the Cyber Security Research and Education Institute (CSI) at UT Dallas, is a recipient of a 2013 IBM Faculty Award in Cyber Security.The award, initiated by an IBM employee, is given to researchers at leading global universities who have outstanding reputations for contributions to the field.
“We consider this another excellent milestone in the ever-growing relationship between IBM and The University of Texas at Dallas,” said Marisa Viveros, vice president for Cyber Security Innovation at IBM. “It is truly a pleasure to work with a group of such dedicated and outstanding academic leaders.”
Investment in Cloud Computing Research Pays Off

Indeed, two recent PhD graduates have been hired by leading corporate players in the field, Amazon.com and IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center.
Cloud computing is a model for providing on-demand Internet-based access to a shared pool of computing resources, including networks, storage and applications. It’s meant to make it as simple to obtain an array of electronic data resources as it is to get electricity itself.