Dr. Habil. - Electrical Engineering
Technical University of Budapest - 1997

Professional Preparation
Dr. Sci. - Electrical Engineering
Hungarian Academy of Sciences - 1996
Hungarian Academy of Sciences - 1996
Ph.D. - Electrical Engineering
Technical University of Budapest - 1981
Technical University of Budapest - 1981
M.Sc - Electrical Engineering
Technical University of Budapest - 1979
Technical University of Budapest - 1979
B.Sc - Electrical Engineering
Technical University of Budapest - 1976
Technical University of Budapest - 1976
Research Areas
Research Interests
- Algorithms, optimization and design problems in communication networks
- Wireless network architectures and protocols, topology control, scalability analysis
- High speed networks and protocols
Hongbing Lian and A. Farago, Optimizing Call Admission Control
for Cognitive Radio Networks Using a New Heuristic Optimization
Method", Science Academy Transactions on Computer and Commu-
nication Networks, in press. In Press - Publication
A. Farago, Analysis of Large Random Network Topologies", Invited
Paper, Infocommunications Journal, in press. In Press - Publication
A. Farago, Asymptotically Optimal Trade-O® Between Local and
Global Connectivity in Wireless Networks", Performance Evaluation,
vol. 68, 2011/2, pp. 142{156. 2012 - Publication
Hongbing Lian and A. Farago, Analysis of Call Admission Control for
Multiservice Cognitive Radio Networks", Journal of Selected Areas in
Telecommunications (JSAT), October 2011, pp. 18{25. 2011 - Publication
A. Farago, On the Structure of Classes of Random Graphs", Chicago
Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, June 2010, Article 2010-5
(online journal, http://cjtcs.cs.uchicago.edu/) 2010 - Publication
D.T. Tran, Z. Chen, and A. Farago, On Sel¯sh Behavior in TDMA-
based Bandwidth Sharing Protocols in Wireless Networks", Journal of
Telecommunications, Vol. 4, August 2010, pp. 1{9. 2010 - Publication
A. Farago, Scalability of Node Degrees in Random Wireless Net-
work Topologies", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
Spec. Issue on Stochastic Geometry and Random Graphs for Wireless
Networks, Vol. 27, Sept. 2009, pp. 1238{1244. 2009 - Publication
A. Farago,"Efficient Blocking Probability Computation of Complex
Tra±c Flows for Network Dimensioning", Computers and Operations
Research, Vol. 35, 2008, pp. 3834-3847. 2008 - Publication
Professor of Computer Science
University of Texas at Dallas [1998–Present]
University of Texas at Dallas [1998–Present]
Szechenyi Professor
Technical University of Budapest [1997–2018]
Technical University of Budapest [1997–2018]
Senior Research Associate
Boston University [1996–2018]
Boston University [1996–2018]
Senior Associate Professor
Technical University of Budapest [1995–2018]
Technical University of Budapest [1995–2018]
Director of Research of the High Speed Networks Laboratory
Technical University of Budapest [1992–1997]
Technical University of Budapest [1992–1997]
(Sabbatical) Senior Research Fellow
University of Massachusetts at Amherst [1991–1992]
University of Massachusetts at Amherst [1991–1992]
Associate Professor
Technical University of Budapest [1982–1995]
Technical University of Budapest [1982–1995]
Visiting Scholar
Virginia Polytechnic Institute [1980–1981]
Virginia Polytechnic Institute [1980–1981]
Assistant Professor
Technical University of Budapest [1976–1982]
Technical University of Budapest [1976–1982]
Random Graph Models for Ad Hoc Networks
2005–2005 Invited Lecture:Dept. of Computer Science, The University of ChicagoOn Algorithmic Challenges in Networking
2002–2002 Invited Lecture:Dept. of Computer Science, The University of ChicagoImproving the Simulated Annealing Optimization Technique via Parallelization
2001–2001 Invited Lecture:University of Texas at ArlingtonModeling Ad Hoc Network Topologies via Random Graphs
2000–2000 Invited Lecture:High Speed Networking International Workshop, Balatonfured, HungaryExact Reduced Load Equations
1999–1999 Invited Lecture:High Speed Networking and Ericsson Simulation Techniques and Performance Analysis Joint International Workshop, Balatonfured, HungaryAdditional Information
- Editor, Wireless Networks Journal
- Editor, Journal on Applications of Graph Theory in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks and Sensor Networks
Professional Societies and Awards
- Senior Member, IEEE (2004)
- Member, IEEE (1999)
- Founder member of the Hungarian Chapter of ACM (1992)
- Member Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society (Hungary, 1990)
- Niveau Award, Journal on Communications, 1988
- Member, Scientific Society for Telecommunications (Hungary, 1983)
Courses Taught at UT Dallas
- CS 4390 Computer Networks
- CS 2305 Discrete Math for Computing I.
- CS 3305 Discrete Math for Computing II.
- CS 4349 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
- CS 6385 Algorithmic Aspects of Telecommunication Networks