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Ali Aliev

Ali Aliev

Research Professor - Nanotech Institute
BE2310, BE3528
Nanotech Institute

Currently accepting graduate students


Professional Preparation

Doctor of Science - Physics (Solid State Physics)
Heat Physics Department of Uzbek Academy of Science, USSR - 1992
Ph.D. - Physics (Molecular and Thermal Physics)
Heat Physics Department of Uzbek Academy of Science, USSR - 1984
B.S.- M.S. - Electrical Engineering
National University of Radio-Electronics, Kharkov, Ukraine - 1977

Research Areas

Nanoscience and nanotechnology
Superconductivity in nanostructured transient metal oxides
Negative refraction in photonic crystals.
Thermoacoustic sound generation: in air and underwater.
  • Energy conversion efficiency of open and closed thermoacoustic systems
  • Nanostructured materials for thermophones
  • Encapsulated thermoacoustic projectors: Search for high power and high efficiency
  • Underwater thermoacoustic projectors


Towards transparent superconductor electronics 2024 - Nature Rewiew Electrical Engineering
Probing Intercalated Indium-Tin Oxide Films by Non-Local Resistance Measurements 2024 - IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Mechanical energy harvesters with tensile efficiency of 17.4% and torsional efficiency of 22.4% based on homochirally plied carbon nanotube yarns 2023 - Nature Energy
Scalable synthesis and characterization of multilayer γ-graphyne, new carbon crystals with a small direct bandgap  2022 - J. Am. Chem. Soc.
More powerful twistron carbon nanotube yarn mechanical energy harvesters  2022 - Advanced Materials
Improved thermoacoustic sound projectors by vibration mode modification 2022 - J. Sound Vib.
Spin-polarized plasmonics: fresh view on magnetic nanoparticles, Chapter in the book “Chirality, Magnetism and Magnetoelectricity” Ed. by E. Kamenetskii,  2021 - Book, Springer
Understanding the Low Frequency Response of Carbon Nanotube Thermoacoustic Projectors, 498, 114940, 2021 - J. Sound Vib.


Research Professor
University of Texas at Dallas, Alan G. MacDiarmid Nanotech Institute [2004–Present]
Research Scientist
University of California, Los Angeles, Electrical Engineering Department [2003–2004]
Multi-University Research Initiative (MURI) Program on “Electrochromic Adaptive Infrared Camouflage”. PI - E. Yablonovitch
Visiting Researcher
University of Texas at Dallas, Nanotech Institute [2002–2003]
DARPA project: “Thermal Conductivity Enhancement by Optical Phonon Sub-band Engineering of Nanostructures Based on C and BN nanotubes" P.I. Ray H. Baughman
Invited Professor
LG-Electronics, Institute of Technology LG-Elite, Seoul, Korea [1998–2001]
PI of project: “Electrochromic Matrix Addressable Flat Panel Display”. Project was supported by Display Division of LG-Electronics.
Senior Researcher
Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Heat Physics Department, Tashkent, Uzbekistan [1984–2004]
The leading research investigator of project "Advanced superionic conductors" supported by Uzbek Academy of Sciences
Research Scientist
Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Heat Physics Department, Tashkent, Uzbekistan [1978–1983]
Institute of Electronics, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent [1977–1978]
Development of high-temperature carbide materials for space shuttle


Phonon engineering in low-dimensional nanostructures
Superconductivity in oxide materials

Thermo-Acoustic sound generation in air and underwater: New materials; High-Power Density Projectors, Efficiency consideration.

News Articles

Electron Emission Patterning, Research Outreach, 2021, 121, p.88-91
Electron Emission Patterning, Research Outreach, 2021, 121, p.88-91  The demand for smaller and more powerful electronic devices is ever growing in many sectors of today’s society. Current technology limits how small devices can be. To develop smaller devices, new materials and manufacturing techniques are needed. Ali Aliev and Ray Baughman of the Alan G. MacDiarmid NanoTech Institute have developed a non-contact dry patterning technique for carbon nanotubes. Their technique uses field-enhanced electron emission to introduce patterns onto nanomaterials and allows for the fabrication of a variety of nanostructures useful for electronic and optical devices. 
Non-contact patterning of nanomaterials in air by low-voltage electron-emission, Advances in Engineering, 2021
Non-contact patterning of nanomaterials in air by low-voltage electron-emission, Advances in Engineering, 2021 The study by Professor Aliev and Professor Baughman reported the successful development of a dry-state patterning technique for freestanding or supported nanostructures.  In a statement to Advances in Engineering, the authors explained the proposed electron emission patterning for processing of carbon and other conductive two- and three-dimensional nanostructures in air could be useful for integration of conductive electronic and optical devices into existing silicon planar technologies. Moreover, by using their technique, multi-electrode sensors, metamaterials, photonic crystals and various electronic components had been successfully fabricated. The innovative method invented by Professor Aliev and Professor Baughman is now under provisional Patent Application #20016P1, Dec.8, 2020 “A method and device for patterning nanomaterials”.


Transparent superconductors for single-photon detectors
$645,000 - NASA, Early Stage Innovations [2024/03–2027/03]
Development of transparent superconductors for single-photon detectors, based on a series of transparent electronic conductors (ITO, TiOx, ZnOx, WO3.) electrochemically intercalated with alkali ions.
Electrochromic metal oxides for transparent superconducting electronics
345,380 EURO - NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme [2023/09–2026/08]
We will develop and study transparent superconductors for needs of quantum computing, communication, and sensing.
Acquisition of PSV-500 Compact Scanning Laser Vibrometer Grant number: N00014-19-1-2685
$384,000 - Office of Naval Research, U.S. NAVY [2019/01–2020/07]
Thermoacoustic Carbon Nanotube Sound Projectors with Enhanced Efficiency and Broad-band Acoustic Spectra. Grant number: N00014-17-1-2521 URL:
$360,000 - Office of Naval Research, U.S. NAVY [2017/04–2020/06]
High-Power Density, High-Efficiency Carbon Nanotube Thermo-Acoustic Projectors Grant number: N00014-14-1-0152
$360,000 - Office of Naval Research, U.S. NAVY [2014/01–2017/12]